Hakco-TrussCast DBA Hakco Pre cast Inc.
Proposed circle entry to the multi-purpose 85,000 sf. existing building formerly a furniture store which will be adjoined to new parking garage at ground level on the opposite side of the circle drive that will access the planned student housing high rise apartment project fronting the service road of I 610. This will be the main campus for PolyTec College and the Global Museum Display Co. a factory training center in Houston Texas.
The affiliate training Company Hakco Trusscast Co. the primary sponsor endower and the manufacturer of pre finished total pre cast building panels and ready to use kitchen and bath modules made of "Super Bullet Proof Ultra Insulated one of a kind proprietary Foamed/fiber Core Lava Fiber Reinforced SCC Polished Pre-finished Exotic Stone Look Concrete" that looks like tiles, stones, granite, wood, etc. made with proprietary lava re-bar or steel re-bar welded to steel connection plates for bolted or welded reinforced connections.
The Houston training and class room site will build some of the cabinets that use special high tec Lava fiberglass and brake resistant Lexan and glass cabinets and museum display cases. The Bryan site will also build the tour-able light weight foam fiber concrete museum shipping/display containers or expandable display trailers 8 ft wide by by 20 to 40 ft long that expand to 24 ft wide by 20 to 40 ft.long when opened up as touring exhibits.
This location will also build the door and window units manufactured with high tec laser and water jet glass cutting and handling equipment (most frames will be made of light weight concrete or fiberglass).
The light weight foamed fiber concrete modular ready to use kitchen/bath factory will be at both the Bryan and Houston locations.
Houston site will be the administration and testing labs for the oil company training with 3 d audio visual and heavy equipment operator simulator training programs.
The projects are already designed and engineered by Lava Liquid Design Co. for both PolyTec College Campuses including the remodel of the multi purpose 85,000 sq. ft. building in Houston and for the 100 + dorm apartment housing project which will be fronting on I 610 near University of Houston and Hobby Airport.) It will be similar to the proposed project near Hwy 6 & hwy 21 on the Hakco site in Bryan TX.
a example of the designer high ceiling loft style affordable student housing with lockable bedroom bath units that open to a common kitchen and lounge area. On the right side are some of the planned buildings, concrete modules and proprietary TSV equipment for the college level job training programs to train returning war veterans and youth of America in real world working conditions to live sober successful lives.
The Houston Debaky VA classroom and apartment campus is planning to remodel the large 85,000 sf. commercial tilt up concrete structure (former Levitt furniture store on south east loop 610 near University of Houston, located on large 4 acre lot and concrete parking lot that is fully security fenced on service road of I 610 SE. The 610 frontage will be a 10 story apartment with parking on the first level.
The second campus will be on Texas Avenue in Bryan, Tx. Near the current 40 year old Hakco Pre Cast Factory that is going thru a 5 million dollar renovation as the factory will train VA Students to work in real world factory conditions and building projects near the Bryan main student classrooms and large multipurpose gym and education meeting hall near the working precast VA training and research center for training supervisors for our proprietary building equipment factory and batch/ mixer systems for export to Afganistan, Iraq, Haiti and many other countries.
The first building will be the all purpose gym, 3D theater, classrooms, Labs, and part of the factories. It will cost around $10 million for first phase.
The start up remodeling in Houston can be operational very quickly in the existing buildings that will be remodeled by some of the students trained in many building skills with professional trainers. We have future expansion plans to the adjoining 10 acre secure site previously the Trade Center 2 story 200,000 sq ft concrete building that will be remodeled as additional class rooms, labs, and working factories assembly lines. The future projects could run up to 50 million dollar in projects as new factory affiliates are added. The Not for profit College will be partly funded by VA Training Funds, public and corporate donations, with some of the factories funded by New Market Tax Credits, Housing Tax Credits, SBA Loans, and Federal stimulus money, as well as bonds from city, county, state and federal education funds, tax abatements and grants. The Poly Tec College Foundation Trust is a non profit 501 C3 Company for the education and job training of veterans.
We will be giving hands on work experience as well as class room and multimedia technology. The high technology training/work programs will be tailored to the requirements of the sponsoring for profit factories and oil companies. We now have 6 large factories, and Oil Companies enrolled as sponsor employer and training programs. The state of the art 3D multimedia visual teaching facilities will also train the workers and managers to be dedicated happy and successful in life with good banking, saving, and life management skills. There will be effort to teach creativity, diligence, honesty, and good work ethics in the skilled high technology fields of oil field construction and development as well as general construction and factory technology systems.
Example of Hakco Trusscast modular high strength lava fiber foam core all luxury prefinished pre cast concrete mid and high rise Pre Cast Dorm /Apartment Construction similar to what is planed for the University of Houston 610 location, Victoria, and Bryan Campus/working factories. Hakco Pre Cast has been building pre cast and hollow core concrete for over 40 years in Bryan Texas
The affiliated training factories are experienced established for profit Companies that will eventual hire many of the students as jobs become available.
There will be many celebrity and large corporate donors with naming rights to the College buildings and programs.
The VA technology training programs will have certified job training certificates with job priority at sponsoring companies. The factories will have profit making contract education programs with endowments from the VA with special scholarship programs by wealthy sponsor corporations and celebrity donors. There will be options for students to continue for a full accredited college degree while working part time in various affiliated factories to gain a broad work experience back ground. Many Vets may desire to go after 10 week training programs for overseas good paying jobs to train the new local workers in the new factories being set up for total pre cast Pre- finished buildings be set up in the rebuilding war zone areas of Afganistan, Libia, Iraq, Viet Nam etc.
Example above is one and two bedroom student or senior VA housing in 4 to 50 story buildings.
The plans below are for the multi-tower 2 to 4 bed active retirement and hotel room project in Bryan on Hwy 21 and Hwy 6 on the 14 acre site in Bryan Texas. They will be made of "Super Bullet Proof Ultra Insulated" one of a kind proprietary Foamed/Lavafiber Core Sandwich Panels. They are reinforced with Lava and steel rebar. Most are Polished Pre-finished Exotic Stone total pre cast concrete" that looks like tiles, stones, granite, wood, etc. made with proprietary lava re-bar or steel re-bar welded to steel connection plates for bolted or welded reinforced connections.
There are great training programs at several locations to help the returning veterans to be trained in productive trades and to re-indoctrinate them in successful life styles with decent housing (provided close by) and built by the affiliated companies with the help of the college trainees.
Above is example of floor plan for large 1600 sq. ft affordable 3 bed room active retirement apartment towers of 4 to 50 stories.
There will be affordable dorms and apartments built by the students. The student built dorm/apartments will also be models of the designer concrete condo/apartments that can be sold and produced in the local factories and shipped around the world. They will be built as light weight all concrete panelized pre-fab buildings cast in the local pre-cast concrete training plant at the various locations and the near by affiliated supplier Pearland Gates hollow core precast (a Span Crete affiliated Plant).and www.Gatesprecast.com )
Also see www.carpenterstone.com
Go to seeing is not believing
for demo of strength of even 1/2 inch of Lava fiber foam core reinforced concrete. Also great examples of live time bright colors and finished possible.
A lot of the war vets end up in prison the first year after returning to American society. There are 36,000 vets getting out of prison this year. We will prevent much of this from repeating.
Proposed style of future 50 story office and apartments for active retirement.
Most of the Veterans are good people that have made mistakes because of lack of training, work, and living skills. The unique Poly Tec work/lab/classroom job training factory work and housing programs will prevent much of this from repeating by giving them training, work experience, good counseling, often housing, and help to motivate them to find good paying jobs in the related high paying oil fields, and offshore production, concrete construction, heavy equipment, cranes, earth moving equipment operations and simulators. There will be high technology cad and seismic computers, building skills for cabinetry, metal, exotic pre-finished light weight concrete and fiberglass work for the Museum exhibit production. There will be special training in graphic arts, as well as graphic printing and 3 d Video presentations. The factory & campus is close to University of Houston for supplemental college classes. We also will offer counseling to help students to get supplemental online internet college classes as they provide for their families with part or full time jobs with affiliated companies..
The Mission Statement:
the mission of Poly Tec College Foundation is to provide opportunities for educational advancement and career attainment for United States Veterans through incorporation of:
Vision: Poly Tec College seeks to increase employability of United States Veterans through cutting edge education and training in jobs skills and career opportunities designed to meet the needs of corporations and businesses in the 21st century.
campus will have diversified state of the art special oil related job training and research laboratories, class rooms, testing centers, computer centers, special job specific technology and safety training by major oil companies, manufacturing, and construction companies.
The training with work experience and military training is highly desired by the oil and construction companies’ world wide. The balanced education programs will also allow Lone Star and other internet college accredited programs that will allow credits to be fully transferable to other future college programs. The complimentary internet supplement programs allows the ambitious to supplement the Poly Tec college training and work experience programs while providing class room testing and laboratory based programs along with income producing part time jobs while in training.
The College job work programs stress hard work integrity, honesty, discipline, diligence, lifestyle, money management, and how to get along in public. The dedicated teachers, work supervisors, and pre trained factory workers will train hard working, motivated, drug free, skilled workers trained for many high tech oil field, home building,high rise construction, cabinets, wiring, plumbing, high tec high strength reinforce scc nano fiber reinforced concrete, mold making, fiberglass, welding, metal working, traditional concrete and finish, while training the workers and supervisors for the new high tech
high paying jobs.
PolyTec Training will help create many Sustainable Green Energy Jobs that pay well.
Below is a pre tested ready to use concrete foam core kitchen and 2 bath module that will be built in the factory and erected ready to use with a crane.
to the side is the Revolutionary American made planetary Mixer that can totally mix the fiber foam blended cement in less than one minute. Older mixers take 15 to 30 minutes to batch and blend. Below is the Truss Cast licensed Unique TSV concrete Batch plant for the permanent larger plants, it has revolutionary Planetary Mixers shown on the side already installed and tested ready to use .
The additional TSVportable batch plants will be soon set up at both the 8 acre Texas Ave. Hakco/Trusscast Architectrual Plant and the Hwy 21- hwy 6 site of the older 14 acre Hollowcore factory will have the new planetary portable internationally shipable 3 bin automatic weigh batching mixing portable plant pictured below.
The existing 14 acre hollow-core plant on hwy 21/ Hwy. 6 area in Bryan will be updated with new faster 4 to 20 inch thick hollow-core extrusion machinery and high speed batch plant equipment and additional fly ash, cement and silica fume dust proof silos.
Hotels, apartments and restaurants will be developed on the east 4 to 7 acres with a gated concrete full security fenced near the fast food strip on hwy 21 and the 6 to 10 story hotels and apartments will have visibility from hwy 6. The Apartment condos will be a dividing barrier between the existing factory which will be relocated with the next year or two and the site will be developed as commercial mix use and apartments.
They new modern water featured development will have stunning architecture and water features at the entry security entry gates and in the
hotel and apartment atrium and on the roof tops gardens and resturants. They will provide a lot of part time jobs for the Veterans as well as showcase the super affordable but luxury green LEED Certified sustainable dramatic liquid architecture of Texas.
Returning Veterans and recovered youth students will have priority for jobs and bonus class room training.
Student Lounge and lap pool and beverage /sandwich bar.
The campuses will have working factories, with
85,000 sq. ft of lecture and stage presentations as well as audio visual class rooms, heavy equipment operation, oil field and marine offshore training and research pressure testing and chemical labs, high tech Cad and seismic training, simulator training for heavy crane lifting, transporting equipment, simulator and actual operations of equipment training for heavy Caterpiller, trenchers, dozers, excavators, cranes, tele-lifts, forklifts, graders, etc. and aircraft simulators, electronic microscope, basic electricity and generation operations along with hydrodynamic and magnetic science labs. Special oil related computer rooms. Some theater, music, and motivational speaking program training.
Creative incentive training by top experts for special tech job training that will also train the Veteran students for the higher paying jobs in the affiliated factories. The sponsoring manufacturers will produce additional income to support the students for the training programs with some the profits going to motivate the sturdents from the sale of modular cabinets, furniture, and pre-engineered buildings of pre finished designer fiber reinforced concrete panels, as well as pre-engineered metal clear span structures some with super high strength fiber and steel reinforced concrete foundation, pre finished concrete floors, walls, and roofs for total precast buildings that are 90 % complete in the factory and can be erected quickly at the rate of 10,000 sq. ft per day per crane.
We will also set up factories in other cities in the US and other countries that need the skilled workers and supervisors that we will be training. The Campus will have affordable apartments, hotels, commercial buildings, and custom projects near by. We will also sell the our proprietary TSV equipment and license precast factories with our proprietary mixing, batching, handling, molding, equipment to build TrussCast buildings with the help of our local part student made with our proprietary precast equipment and molds.
Example of Student 2 to 4 bedroom apartments
The state of the art factory will produce internationally shippable light weight fiber/concrete foam core pre finished designer kitchen / bath modules and panelized insulated concrete foam core foundation, floor, wall and Truss Cast Precast in 8 to 10 ft wide or tall by 20 ft long panels for foundation, floor, wall, roof panels that are pre finished and pre wired and plumbed with windows and doors installed. The modular pre-finished baths and kitchens are ready to use when set in a few minutes with a crane. They are light weight and international ship able container size shipments.
Proprietary Factory built total pre cast concrete that can be bullet proof with the carbon like lava fabric reinforced concrete with light weight revolutionary fiber foam concrete center truss pre-finished panels.
Affordable Luxury Designer Homes and apartments that are fire, wind, bug, and storm proof super Green Sustainable energy effiecient millennial life homes and apartments that will be built in the Hakco Trusscast Factory and School by the pre trained students.
Poly Tec Main Campus will be near the University of Houston off of I 610 SE.
The campus will have working factories, with class rooms that can train for the higher paying jobs in the affiliated factories. The sponsoring manufacturers will produce additional income to the students to help support their families and enhance the training programs with the some of the profits from the sale of modular cabinets, furniture, and pre-engineer shippable buildings.
Poly Tec Main Campus will be near the University of Houston off of I 610 SE.
The campus will have working factories, with class rooms that can train for the higher paying jobs in the affiliated factories. The sponsoring manufacturers will produce additional income to support the training programs with the profits from the sale of modular cabinets, furniture, and pre-engineered buildings of pre finished designer fiber reinforced concrete panels, as well as pre-engineered metal clear span structures some with super high strength fiber and steel reinforced concrete foundation, pre finished concrete floors, walls, and roofs in 10 ft by 20 ft pre finished pre wired and plumbed panels for total precast buildings that are 90 % complete in the factory and can be erected quickly at the rate of 10,000 sq. ft (20 500sf apartments per day per crane. We will be training workers that can also set up factories in other countries that need large affordable apartments, hotels, commercial buildings, and custom projects. The factory system is so fast we can build here and ship world wide for less that most local traditional built buildings.
See http://ultracretesips/lavablast for more details Make shure you see the video seeing is not believing at http://www.carpenterstone.com.
We will also sell the equipment and pre cast molds that will be partly manufactured by the students and will be licensed to set up factories with our proprietary Mixing, Batching, Handling, Molding, equipment to build Fast Cast buildings with our local made precast equipment to train the help to be in the pre cast business world wide.
The state of the art factories like Http://www.swmuseum.com will produce fixtures, cabinets, modular kitchen and baths in internationally shippable modular cores of light weight fiber foam concrete core of pre finished ready to use designer modules and Http://ultracretesips.tripod.com/lavablast will build panelized concrete Foam Core Truss Cast Precast in 8 to 10 ft wide or tall by 20 ft long foundation, floor, wall, roof, panels pre finished,pre wired, pre-plumbed with windows and doors installed. The modular pre-finished baths and kitchens are ready to use when set in a few minutes with a crane. They are light weight and international shippable container size shipments of panelized container sized parts of buildings designed with fiber reinforced pre-cast concrete panels, as well as pre-engineered metal clear span structures for really large commercial buildings, some will have super high strength fiber and steel reinforced concrete foundation, pre finished concrete floors, walls, and roofs for total precast buildings that are 90 % complete in the factory and can be erected quickly at the rate of 10,000 sq. ft per day per crane. We will be training workers that can also set up factories in other countries that need large affordable apartments, hotels, commercial buildings, and custom projects. We will also sell the equipment that will be partly manufactured by the students. We will be licensed to set up factories with our Proprietary Mixing, Batching, Handling, Molding, Equipment to build Fast Cast buildings with our local made precast equipment to train the help to be in the pre cast business world wide. Below is example of what the adjoining new addition to plant may look like.
Examples of Hakco Trusscast Hollow core factory equipment and layout
Hakco new remodel will be state of the art factories like the Houston Global Museum factory location that will also produce museum fixtures, cabinets, modular kitchen and baths in internationally shipable( have pre-stressed high strength floor panels of our proprietary revolutionary light weight fiber foam core pre-finished pre-stressed concrete so no expensive metal shipping containers are necessary.
The designer Hakco-Truss Cast Precast panels are cast in 8 to 10 ft wide or tall by 20 ft to 40 ft. long for foundation, floor, wall, roof, panels. Thy are optional as pre finished and pre wired and plumbed with windows and doors installed. The modular pre-finished baths and kitchens are ready to use when set in a few minutes with a crane. They are light weight and international ship able container size shipments. Buildings can be erected at the rate of over 10,000 sq. ft per day per crane. Our total design build programs can save over 20 sub trades. This alone saves millions on major apartments, condos, offices, homes, commercial buildings, air plane hangars etc. Can be single level or up to 50 story or more when constructed with our total design build pre-cast pre-finished building systems with the added pre-finished Light weight concrete hollow columns that are site filled with additional high strength concrete and rebar and post or pre-tension systems.
Call for Info or free bid appointment call 817 808 9430 or
Email trusscast@gmail.com or polytectx@gmail.com
Houston Office 6399 Windfern Houston Tx. 77040